Where can I buy an octopus for a premature baby & what are the benefits?
We have a range of premature baby octopuses you can buy, from three lovely brands. Each octopus is fantastic quality and loved by parents of prem babies who want to help their little one feel as comfortable as possible while in the incubator on the NICU or SCBU, whilst also keeping baby as safe as possible.
- Octoprem – NICU approved premature baby octopus in 4 colours
- Nattou Piu Piu – stylish octopus for premature babies in 4 colours
- Pebble Toys – crocheted octopus for newborn babies in 3 colours
Why buy an octopus toy for a premature baby?
The thought of your beautiful newborn baby spending their first few weeks or months in an incubator in the NICU or SCBU is heartbreaking for any parent. What’s more parents of premature babies often can't have much, if any, physical contact to comfort their child as they get strong enough to hopefully go home.
These little babies are typically connected to wires and tubes, and their little hands can get into mischief. Parents often see their babies grab onto these wires and tubes in the incubator, with the risk they'll pull them out which can be dangerous.
This is where a premature baby octopus comes into play.
Groundbreaking research shows that snuggling octopuses might make preemies feel safer and fare better. According to the Poole Hospital website, the idea originated in Denmark, where researchers found that preemies who cuddled up with these cute octopus in their incubators had more regular heartbeats, better breathing, and higher levels of oxygen in their blood. Not only that, but these babies were also less likely to pull out their monitors and tubes.
The tentacles of the octopus are thought to remind these babies of their mum’s umbilical cords, and the soft knit bodies of the cuddly creatures are said to remind them of the womb.
Which premature baby octopus should you buy?
Octoprem by three little dees is a newly developed range of octopus themed toys for babies - premature, newborn and older babies. Their toys are made using quality materials and are tested to ensure they comply with product safety standards for baby toys, making them safe and cuddly companions for your baby in hospital and at home.
Numerous media articles and mothers’ own experiences suggest that long crochet curls – such as crochet octopus or jellyfish tentacles – feel like an umbilical cord to a new baby and can provide them with comfort, from their first few days in hospital and beyond. They are known to be especially comforting for premature babies who enter the world a little too soon.
Premature babies often spend their first few days or weeks in an incubator, with numerous wires and tubes attached to them, which they sometimes pull out. Holding onto crocheted curls may prevent these babies from pulling on their wires and tubes, saving them from the unnecessary discomfort of having them reinserted.
Small babies are often looking for something to wrap their little fingers around, and our Octoprem Softies provide the perfect solution, especially when a human touch is not possible.
Not only are Octoprem toys comforting, but they are also for a worthy cause - they are so proud to be supporting numerous Australian and international charities, including Miracle Babies Foundation and Life's Little Treasures Foundation, two of Australia’s leading organisations supporting premature and sick newborns, their families and the hospitals that care for them.
Around 48,000 babies are born each year in Australia that require the help of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN) – that equates to around 132 babies each day.
They donate $2 from every sale of Octoprems to Miracle Babies in their efforts to provide better, healthier outcomes for newborns challenged by prematurity or sickness. They also donate Octoprem Softies to premature and sick babies in hospitals, such as through Life's Little Treasures World Prematurity Day gift bags, and through their Comforting Contributions donation drives with the assistance of corporate and individual sponsors.
So if you’re after a thoughtful gift for the new baby in your life, buy an Octoprem and together we can help make a difference!
Nattou Piu Piu
The Nattou Octopus is designed for Premature babies. Nattou create delicate and soft cuddly toys for the beginning of your child’s life. The Nattou cuddlies are with your baby as it explores the world, when it drifts off to sleep and all the other moments of its first few months. Nattou cuddly toys give your little one the trust, security and comfort they need in the crucial early stages of their growth and development.
A new addition to Belgium designed toy brand is the octopus cuddly. This toy is not just cute and soft, it is the ultimate cuddly for new born and premature babies. The octopus was developed after hand made crochet octopis were given to premature babies as they grow. The sea creature gives support and feelings of a safe environment; which aids to improve breathing, increase regular heartbeats, and higher levels of oxygen into their blood.
The octopus tentacles are reminiscent of the umbilical cord, and the familiar environment of being in their mother’s womb. The octopus was designed to counter act the natural grasp reflex of new born babies it is also suitable for premature babies, the tentacles make them less likely to pull on their monitors or tubes.
Pebble Toys crochet octopus
This crochet premature baby octopus toy from Pebble Toys was the first ever soft toy we bought for our store and it’s been a best-seller from day one! We wanted to offer a toy appropriate for a tiny premature baby as they grow big and strong, and we think this lovely happy chap is ideal.
His great smile and positive outlook makes him a perfect best friend for a premature baby. His legs are ideal for little hands to hold on to and the crochet texture is perfect for exploring.
What’s more, this premature baby octopus is Faitrade and organic, so no harmful chemicals; ideal for a premature baby’s sensitive skin, and it’s lovely to know the people making these crochet octopuses are paid fairly and work in good conditions.